Copyright © Aurora Commerce Commerce Updateswww.auroracommerce.com, 10 Oct 2022 10:29:32 GMT[email protected] (Aurora Commerce)[email protected] (Noticeable Team) Commerce Updates, 10 Oct 2022 08:00:00 GMT[email protected] (Jonathan Ashley-Smith)Improvements to the Foundations of the Aurora Platform fundamental platform on which Aurora operates has been updated to take advantage of the latest cloud based technologies, such as those provided by Amazon Web Services. This allows us to package Aurora up and deliver it via the cloud....The fundamental platform on which Aurora operates has been updated to take advantage of the latest cloud based technologies, such as those provided by Amazon Web Services. This allows us to package Aurora up and deliver it via the cloud. The resulting benefits include:

• Instances of the Aurora platform will support an increased level of automated scaling, allowing them to react up to 60% quicker, scaling faster to better handle increases in traffic

• Deployments to production will be faster, more reliable and also facilitate quicker rollbacks

• Development environments can now be set up and configured in minutes as opposed to hours, allowing us to speed up development of the platform, deploy test instances quicker for QA and spend less time working on infrastructure set up

• The new platform enables us to more rapidly adopt new technologies, whilst also simplifying updates to existing frameworks

If you haven’t already been contacted by your Account Manager, and are interested in taking advantage of these latest technologies, please get in touch.

Gz9ml3W3ChvuTJTxyM9XThu, 23 Dec 2021 09:00:00 GMT[email protected] (Jonathan Ashley-Smith)Eagle Eye Updates Aurora Eagle Eye integration is a great way to integrate gift cards into your omnichannel offering. The global gift card market is growing rapidly - it’s expected to double in value in the next five years alone. Digitising your gift...The Aurora Eagle Eye integration is a great way to integrate gift cards into your omnichannel offering. The global gift card market is growing rapidly - it’s expected to double in value in the next five years alone. Digitising your gift card scheme with Eagle Eye not only enhances the consumer experience, but increases brand engagement, especially among younger consumers, such as millennials.

Recognising the importance of this, we’ve proactively updated the Aurora Eagle Eye integration to utilise the newest version of their API, ensuring you have access to all the latest features.

We’ve also streamlined the integration process, so that Eagle Eye can now be set up without any bespoke Aurora development - just updates to your front end templates. Prior to these updates, bespoke development was initially required to utilise the Aurora Eagle Eye integration.

For more information on the Eagle Eye integration and gift cards, please see the Eagle Eye support article.

New FeaturesEnhancements
s9pVbFm4vhbzrlNMPfWpMon, 29 Nov 2021 09:00:00 GMT[email protected] (Jonathan Ashley-Smith)Adyen Updates Aurora integration with Adyen already allows you to accept online payments via cards, mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay, and more. And we’ve just upgraded this integration to now support RevenueProtect, allowing you to block...The Aurora integration with Adyen already allows you to accept online payments via cards, mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay, and more. And we’ve just upgraded this integration to now support RevenueProtect, allowing you to block fraud, prevent disputes, and stay ahead of the latest fraud trends using advanced technology combined with customisable risk rules.

  • Detect, prevent and respond to fraud from a unified view of payment data

  • Use risk templates combined with advanced technology to customise your fraud setup

  • Add further customisation with detailed risk rules and thoroughly check each transaction

  • Use experiment tools to optimise live traffic for the best outcome

  • Control how you get notified, review, and action chargebacks

  • Identify abnormal behaviours across a range of customer journeys

As well as implementing the above, we’ve also added the ability to store a high level summary of user card details.

For more information on the Adyen integration, or any of its feature, please see the Adyen support articles.

New FeaturesEnhancements
gQhoa3suItdtKw4PEVVqMon, 04 Oct 2021 08:00:00 GMT[email protected] (Jonathan Ashley-Smith)New and Improved All Orders Page All Orders page in Aurora has been rewritten, both from a UI and technological perspective, and is now faster and easier to use than ever before. User Interface New and Improved UI. Pulls together numerous quality of life improvements,...The All Orders page in Aurora has been rewritten, both from a UI and technological perspective, and is now faster and easier to use than ever before.

User Interface

  • New and Improved UI. Pulls together numerous quality of life improvements, from fields behaving consistently to full responsive support - you can now refine search queries at the same time as viewing your list of orders, leveraging the real estate modern screens offer.

  • Quick Search Field. Find the order you’re looking for using the new quick search feature. Search using a selection of fields, such as order reference, postcode, name, email address to instantly get results.

  • Advanced Search. Carry out more powerful searches using the new Advanced Search UI. New searchable fields have been added, along with new features such as auto completion of fields like order status and additional fields.


  • Polaris. The underlying technologies have all been updated to use the new Polaris infrastructure, which results in loading and searching of orders being up to 5,000% faster than before!

  • DataTables. The page has also been updated to take advantage of DataTables, a new technology that makes it easier than ever for your customer service teams to find, sort and filter data in Aurora.

These enhancements will be rolled out to your sites with upcoming updates of Aurora.

New FeaturesEnhancements