The fundamental platform on which Aurora operates has been updated to take advantage of the latest cloud based technologies, such as those provided by Amazon Web Services. This allows us to package Aurora up and deliver it via the cloud. The resulting benefits include:

• Instances of the Aurora platform will support an increased level of automated scaling, allowing them to react up to 60% quicker, scaling faster to better handle increases in traffic

• Deployments to production will be faster, more reliable and also facilitate quicker rollbacks

• Development environments can now be set up and configured in minutes as opposed to hours, allowing us to speed up development of the platform, deploy test instances quicker for QA and spend less time working on infrastructure set up

• The new platform enables us to more rapidly adopt new technologies, whilst also simplifying updates to existing frameworks

If you haven’t already been contacted by your Account Manager, and are interested in taking advantage of these latest technologies, please get in touch.