The Aurora platform already boasts industry leading support for stores with multiple currencies, languages and product channels. We’ve recently been building on this to further improve the localisation options available to you. We’re pleased to announce this as a new feature, called Locales.

The new functionality allows you to create specific locales that tie together currencies, languages and product channels into groups. These groups give you granular control of how your store is presented to customers from different locations, all whilst utilising a single instance of Aurora.

  • A customer visiting from a location can be assigned a default currency and language, based on the default options you specify for each location.

  • Additional languages and currencies can now be tailored for each location, giving the customer a degree of customisation based on their preferences, but always within your own scope.

  • Product channels can now be tied to a location to further refine a customers experience, limiting the products available to a customer based on their location.

  • To compliment this work, we’ve created new headless API endpoints to allow the creation, editing, searching and deletion of locales.

  • We’ve also updated the legacy Aurora API to support locales when carrying out searches for products via the product search method.

For more information, please have a look at the Locales support article.