Empowering Generosity - Our New Checkout Feature with Pennies

At Aurora Commerce, we believe that the power of giving should be at everyone’s fingertips. That’s why we’re pleased to announce our collaboration with the charity Pennies, the digital charity box. We’ve integrated their innovative donation solution into our industry leading ecommerce platform, making it easier than ever for customers to support great causes.

Small Change, Big Impact

Every purchase can now be a gateway to generosity. With Pennies, customers have the option to add a small donation at the checkout. It’s a simple gesture, but when multiplied by the thousands of transactions processed daily, these pennies can transform lives.

A Partnership Built on Shared Values

We’re proud to have sponsored this integration, offering our services for free to ensure that every penny donated goes directly to those in need.

Why Pennies?

Pennies is more than just a charity. They’ve revolutionised charitable giving by making it seamless and non-intrusive. With their digital charity box, they’ve supported a wide range of causes, from local community projects to national health services. By partnering with Pennies, we’re joining a network of businesses committed to positive change.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We invite all our customers to embrace this new feature. This will help fund vital services and support those in need. Together, we can turn everyday transactions into opportunities for kindness and giving. Let’s make a difference, one transaction at a time.