We're pleased to announce the new Price Groups feature for the Aurora platform - enabling you to carve out groups of customers, charging each group different prices for the same product.

This could be used to offer lower prices to customers who have a loyalty card, or reward those that have made certain purchases in the past. Where relevant, coupons, basket promotions and price discounts are applied on top of the Price Group price.

The feature works by first allowing you to create various Price Groups - this enables you to specify different prices for any or all of your products. Leveraging your customers individual data, you can then create dynamic rules to assign a particular Price Group to a set of customers. As a customer then browses your store, they will see the prices for their Price Group only.

Price Groups can be assigned to customers based on various dynamic rules, such as:

  • Is the customer logged in or not?

  • Does the customer have a loyalty card?

  • Has the customer placed a certain number of orders, or spent a certain amount on your store previously?

  • Is the customer viewing your store from a particular locale?

For more information on how to take advantage of the Price Groups feature, please see the Price Groups support article.

The new Price Groups feature is included as part of your scheduled Aurora updates.